Joe wrote:
If the following two, self-contradictory cracks do not count as the type-specimen of sheer lunacy, then nothing expressed could rise-to this unadmirable peak of lunatic perfection:
1. (To Josh) Non-actual things exist.
2. The Roman god Jupiter is a non-actual thing.
3. Therefore, the Roman god Jupiter exists.
Whatever are "not actual experiments" are not experiments. A thought about an experiment is not an experiment. Whatever is "not an actual wombat" is not a wombat. A thought about a wombat (or a human masquerading in a costume as a wombat) is not a wombat.
If - in my mind alone - there are thoughts about an experiment (which cannot be an actual experiment), then what sort of an experiment is it? Imaginary, unreal, fake, phony, fictitious, etc.
Ernst Mach:
"A thought experiment is an imaginary experiment."
A thought (or thoughts), pertaining to an experiment, is not an experiment. To confuse a thought about an experiment with an experiment is a Rylean category mistake - in spades.
Wittgenstein - from Philosophical Grammar:
"A thought experiment [gedankenexperiment] comes to much the same as an experiment which is sketched or painted or described instead of being carried out. And so the result of a thought experiment is the fictitious result of a fictitious experiment."
A sketch or a painting or a description of an experiment is not an experiment. To confuse a sketch or a painting or a description (of an experiment) with an experiment is a category mistake.
Brainwaves (thoughts associated with experiments) are not experiments. Brainwaves (thoughts associated with Fig Newtons) are not Fig Newtons. Brainwaves (thoughts) are neither experiments nor Fig Newtons. To confuse a brainwave with an experiment (or a Fig Newton) is a category mistake.
A person who imagines that he's performing an experiment does not perform an experiment. A person who imagines that he's detonating a fusion bomb does not detonate a fusion bomb. A person who imagines that he's swallowing cyanide does not swallow cyanide.
Ah, regard a refreshing Wallbanger -
Substituting "Wallbangers" for "experiments".
Suppose that - in my mind, I imagine that I fill 7 highball glasses with ice cubes, pouring (3 parts) vodka to (6 parts) orange juice into each of the glasses. Then - after vigorous stirring, I float (1 part) Galliano in and garnish each glass with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry. Should I imagine - further - that I guzzle all 7 of the Thought Wallbangers (within 5 minutes), will I get plastered - independently of my thinking that I am plastered?
Whatever is "not an actual" Wallbanger is not a Wallbanger. Whatever is "not an actual" experiment is not an experiment.
Experiments - like Harvey Wallbangers - require mind-independent conditions - which only the world provides for them to yield data, or - in the case of Wallbangers, to make people barfing-blotto.